I live, I die, I burn, I freeze
I'm hot while I endure the cold
Life's too much hardness, too much ease
My joy and worries interfold
At once I laugh and I'm in tears
In pain in pleasure I've long been
My good goes off and lasts for years
At once I dry up and I'm green
So jerkily love leads me on
And when I think I'll have more stress
I find myself without a trace
Then when I feel my pain is gone
And at the peak of happiness
It's back to my unhappy place
Louise Labé (1526–1565)
I'm Emily Dickson from USA I'm happy that my husband is back into my life after 2 years of divorce a strong spell caster named dr lagi brought him back I got his email online when a lady was testifying about the strong spell caster who restored her marriage then I said to myself since he helped her he can also help me so I emailed him and told him the pain that I was going through within 24 hours my husband came back home and our family is complete again If you are going through divorce since dr lagi helped me he can also help you email him at drlagispellhome@gmail.com